Happy New Year, friends of Alive in Christ!
First, we have been so humbled by your response to our year-end fundraising need of $25,000. Due to your overwhelming generosity, we raised $29,285.80! Words cannot express our gratitude for your investment in those God allows us to serve through Alive in Christ, as well as your belief displayed by your giving that we are a ministry worth investing in. I must quote the apostle Paul in declaring, “I have not stopped giving thanks for you, and remembering you in my prayers” (Ephesians 1:16).
Second, we have a training coming up on Feb. 24 in Holbrook, MA at Brookville Bible Church, and we’d love for you to be there! “Same-Sex Attraction & the Church” covers LGBT peoples’ experience of faith, how open they are to attending church, and how to effectively share the gospel with those who identify as LGBTQ+. We also share how youth are framing issues of sexuality & gender, how we can equip them with a biblical framework, as well as how to respond if someone comes out to you as gay or transgender. You can register by clicking here.

Third, we are excited to share that Alive in Christ has hired an administrative assistant. Apryl Cordry has been working with us a few weeks, and she’s wonderful!
Apryl spent her childhood in South America as a missionary kid where her parents pioneered the first Teen Challenge drug and alcohol rehabilitation program in the country of Paraguay. As a teen, she returned to the United States to the Brockton, MA area. It was at a Brockton Assembly of God youth group trip to a Christian convention that she first felt the call to ministry for herself. She earned her degree in Missions and Psychology from Southeastern University in 2007, and married her husband, Mike, later that year. In 2008, Apryl accepted the role as Program Director of Teen Challenge Twin Cities Girls Academy in Fitchburg, MA, where she remained until 2014. In 2015, Apryl and Mike were blessed with the arrival of their first child, a daughter named Norah. They are eagerly awaiting the addition of their second daughter, Parker, who is expected to be born in the upcoming spring.
Throughout her life and ministry, Apryl has had the opportunity to work with many people with same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria. Apryl has always had a heart to see all people experience the love of Jesus, especially those who can be marginalized within the church. As a support staff for Alive in Christ, she hopes to help the ministry bridge the gap between these communities and the broader church, which will only be accomplished by showing believers how to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people in desperate need of His love and reconciliation. We are so glad Apryl has joined our team!

Fourth, we are still in need of about $1000 in regular monthly support. Please prayerfully consider making a monthly commitment, which can be done in the “Support Us” section of our website. Here are some other ways you can help as well:
- Ask the church you attend if they support local mission’s organizations. I can share a letter of introduction to connect with the leadership.
- Invite someone from the Alive in Christ ministry team to speak at your small group or church.
- Share our newsletter and website with a friend who has a heart for LGBTQ+ people.
- Host “tea & desserts with a missionary” for some of your friends where I can share the vision of Alive in Christ.
- Pray for this need! The God we serve owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10). He has always been faithful to the ministry of Alive in Christ, and He will continue to be so.
Thank you once again for your faithfulness in prayers and in giving! Please do let us know if we serve you or your church in any way.
Prayer Requests
We rely on your prayers to keep this ministry active, healthy and visible. Our desire is to share Christ’s Good News that offers hope to those impacted by same-sex attraction & gender dysphoria. To receive regular prayer updates, please e-mail prayer@alive-in-christ.net to be added to the prayer list.
Continue to pray for our four support groups. Over the past few years, several people have gotten married, some have had babies or are expecting babies, and some became grandparents.
We are in the beginning planning stages of a fall retreat for those who have participated in our support groups at one time, or have been part of a northeast area ministry. Pray for this, and if you have any interest in attending, contact us to let us know!
Please pray for more venues to host trainings, including our youth leader training and pastors training. Pray for churches to have God’s heart for those impacted by these issues and to host Alive in Christ leaders to speak.
To Our Financial Supporters
If you would like to give toward our work, you can either send a check to us at the address on the first page, or you can give under the “Support Us” section of our website. All gifts are tax-deductible. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness in investing in what God is doing!