May/June 2024 Newsletter

Hello, friends of Alive in Christ! I am on quite a few mailing lists for items I’ve purchased at one time. I noticed an interesting trend that started a few years ago. Some of these companies contact me prior to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to ask if I would like to opt out of emails sending special deals for these occasions. I imagine the companies recognize that these holidays are not celebratory for everyone, and thus want to offer the opportunity not to receive those communications. 

Have you ever wished you could opt out of Gay Pride Month?

As we wrap up the month of June, rainbows are still everywhere! The gay community adopted the rainbow as its symbol in 1978 at the request of Harvey Milk, America’s first openly gay elected official. As the mayor of San Francisco, he urged artist Gilbert Baker (also gay) to create a symbol of pride for the gay community, and the rainbow flag was Baker’s design. President Bill Clinton declared June to be Gay and Lesbian Pride Month in 1999 due to the anniversary of the Stonewall riots. 

Now every June, many major companies add a rainbow to their logo for the entire month. Stores have a selection of pride-related items. The displays at libraries change. I was at my local library this morning, and even in the children’s section, there were many books on display to celebrate gay pride. 

If you aren’t personally impacted by same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria (in your life or in the lives of your loved ones) and you would like to opt out of Gay Pride, imagine how much more strongly those feel who are making the extremely counter-cultural decision to walk in obedience to God’s design for sexuality.

When you see those rainbows, would you pray for the ministry of Alive in Christ and all those represented here, as well as those we are equipping the church to reach? Would you allow your heart to break for what breaks God’s heart, that people He created are trying to find their identity in something other than who He created them to be? Would you use those rainbows as a reminder that it’s God’s kindness that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4), and thus choose to reach out in love and kindness to those around you identifying as LGBT? Would you also pray that God continues to open doors for Alive in Christ to serve and to equip the church concerning these important issues?

Speaking of equipping, we had an amazing weekend of ministry at Milford Christian Church in Connecticut for Father’s Day. I have never spoken on Father’s Day before! We also had a training seminar on Saturday. Pastor Jim Loomer and his wife Kathy (pictured on the left) were wonderful hosts. Here’s what one attendee said about the training: “As a pastor this seminar was priceless…. If you have the opportunity to attend…. It will greatly benefit you, your church and community.” Continue to pray for more opportunities like this!

We are thrilled to share that we will be exhibiting AND teaching a workshop at the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference’s Annual Gathering (AG). This is an amazing opportunity for us to connect with the denomination in which Alive in Christ was founded. Will you pray for God’s blessing, that this time would be fruitful? The AG will take place July 30-August 2 in Warwick, RI.

We are booking events and services for the fall and beyond! We have a seminar scheduled in Boxford, MA for September 28th. Visit our website for more details.